Surfboard for (Andorid) configuration network Print

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Surfboard for Android

A network debugging tool for the Android platform that can redirect specified network traffic to http/https/socks5/socks5-tls/shadowsocks/vmess/trojan proxy


Surfboard is free APP

  • Find the latest version download in NiceSS network disk or Github. You can download Surfboard-mobile-universal-*.apk according to the processor architecture of your device.

✅ This client fully supports our products and is continuously updated.

 NiceSS network disk download:  All APPs ➠ Surfboard

 Releases · getsurfboard/surfboard (  (Select the latest version)

Get the subscription address and import the configuration

Enter in the browser. After logging in, enter the console subscription (Figure 1) ➔ My Plan, click on any "valid" package, and enter the [Plan Information Page]

In the [Subscription URL], Select iOS ➔ Surfboard (Figure 1)

Import subscriptions into Surfboard (Figure 1)

Method 1: Select [Import] to automatically pop up the Surfboard app and automatically complete the import (Figure 2).

Method 2: Open the Surfboard app, click "Profiles" (Figure 3), click Create Configuration "+" ➔ "Import from URL", paste the subscription URL, and the configuration is successful (Figure 2).

Method 3: Open the Surfboard app, click "Profiles" (Picture 3), click Create Configuration "+" ➔ "Import from QRCode", scan the QR code, and the configuration is successful (Figure 2).

Subscription imported successfully (Figure 2)
Import from URL or QRCode (Figure 3)

Start proxy function

  • For the Surfboard app, click the Start “▶” button in [Dashboard] (Figure 4) to successfully enable the proxy function. Click “∎” to stop using it (Figure 4)
  • In [Proxies] ➔ you can switch nodes (Figure 5).
  • In [Dashboard] ➔ Outbound ➔ you can select the (Rule/Global/Direct Connection) mode (Figure 6).
Click the Start "▶" button to enable the proxy function (Figure 4)
switch nodes (Figure 5)
 (Rule/Global/Direct Connection) mode (Figure 6)


  • Q: How to renew my subscription?
    A: In the Surfboard APP. Select "Configuration" to see the NessByte configuration file, and click "Check for Updates" to complete the update subscription.

  • Q:What is outbound mode?
    Rule = If the IP or domain name is outside of China, no proxy will be used, or if the specified IP is no proxy, the proxy will not be used.
    Direct = all IPs or domain names without using a proxy
    Global = all IPs or domain names use proxy

Configuration completed
~ END ~

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